A picture paints a thousand words. But if you aren't able to see her, what would be important to you? Price? Well travelled? Excellent masseuse? Knows how to juggle?
When choosing an escort, don't just go for looks. Or you may as well inflate your own sex doll. Go for the full package. The gorgeous woman in front of you package. But you need to figure out a few things first. I'm talking what's in your budget, also, what kind of service you would like.
Many aspects help when making your decision. If she works at a well regarded agency, she must have done something right. They won't want to represent someone who is not collegial with their brand, image and reputation. Is she well reviewed?
But never forget, everyone starts somewhere, and sometimes she is still learning the ropes. Escorts have to get a feel for WHO they are in the industry. If experience is important to you, say so. Check out reviews online, ensure she is the real deal by doing a little research. Going in to any new thing is going to be hit and miss if you haven't done your homework.
You can always ring an agency and see who they have on. Brilliant madams will know their girls very well, and upon learning your tastes or what's important to you, they will be able to narrow it down and suggest someone to you. Nice of them eh.
I often recommend other ladies or well regarded agencies. I always have. To me it's a what goes around comes around sort of thing. I don't feel I am doing myself a disservice by having other people in my mind to recommend. Of course, it's easy for me as I did my research or I know these ladies personally (intimately some of them) I'm just saying, it helps me opt for a doubles partner (and hopefully eased their mind too) as they could see a reputation.
So how do YOU choose the right escort?
Check out her photos, availability, check her prices are within your budget. If has reviews, remember they are subjective, if has no reviews, get a feel about her from the receptionist or her own voice on the phone. Check out her services, ask what they entail if you are unsure. Do not hesitate to ask questions, just do it in a personable way where she will have no problem discussing things. If she has listed her interests you may very well have something in common you can chat about.
Remember - she likely has several people contacting her about her service EVERY day - try and stand out from the crowd for the right reasons. I assure you it is worth it.