Welcome to age myth busters. Something that people working in the adult industry will have navigated at some point is their age. We all have a stage name but most of us at one point or another have had a stage age. If starting at an agency a madam | receptionist may have eyed you up and down, squinted at you then let out a hmmm before sussing out what age to put you down as.
Drum roll please...
“22!” She may have declared with a matter of fact certainty
“Um... I’m actually 29” you may have corrected her kindly
“Don’t worry! You can easily pass for 22”
You also may have squinted or scrunched up your nose and looked in a mirror... With a matter of fact uncertainty; “I can?!”
Off to a dimly lit room (for the ambience see, yep, it appears you could pass for 22)
It was apparent for years the younger the better. So “we all” tried to drop our ages to extend our shelf life. Many of us aren’t or weren’t ready to have our careers “go to pasture” so we were misled to believe this is what we had to do. You know... to stay relevant. We were conditioned to believe younger was better in this industry. Life in general gears us toward this way of conditioning via mainstream advertising thrust deeply down our throats every day. Not surprisingly- along the way the hooker age became not just an idea but an ideal. An advertising ploy to grab as many clients from all spectrums as possible before we really WERE too old to work. Aka dead.
Let us dig in.
If you say you are younger (as in the legal age to work) people may assume you are easier to take advantage of or new to people in general and must therefore have no idea what you are doing. This is a myth. There are plenty of young people with their head screwed on.
If you say you are 35 you must be 50 something. Myth! Some of us have to actually shave off a few years BECAUSE some do say they are mid 30s. And if we don’t people will assume we are in our 50s. It’s a funny little dance subjected upon us.
Like there is something wrong with being 50 and fabulous? Yeah nah not at all.
If you like to entertain the older men and say you are younger than you are, they may not pick you, because you are too young and they may seek someone a bit more befitting of their demographic.
Conversely! If you like older men and say your real (ish) age, younger people may pick you because you are now in their ideal age range of MILF fantasy. I’m still adamant MILF age falls about 45/50 ~ otherwise I was a MILF at 17. I don’t think so pal. Definitely doesn’t hold the same allure.
As an escort, if you are in the younger age, be prepared to get asked if your parents know what you do. If you are older than age of 30 you will be asked about your kids. Should you have any. And possibly if THEY know what you do. Ah the circle of life.
You get better gifts from clients when you are older. Fact! Incidentally, older clients are typically the ones who value the art of gift giving - just an observation - YMMV.
You are too old for the game when you are over a certain age. Bullshit. You may be just entering the game then. Or you are just getting great at it then.
Some of us alter our age for privacy reasons, so being asked “how old you are really” is deemed unnecessary and likely to get your nosiness swatted away with a swift change of the subject.
If you are a client?
If you are a client who likes younger women and book someone older ~ don’t tell them they look ‘good for their age.’ They look good full stop. That’s like saying to someone you look pretty good for an ugly mug. Just don’t be a dick, mmmk?
Don’t assume a woman will retire from sex work because she hit 40 and guess she has another job. Or should have another job. Or holy sin of sins, SUGGEST she should get another job for WHEN she HAS to stop working. Why does she have to stop? This could be her calling / chosen career. Not just a part time gig. Not just a hurdle hobby to get her past some obstacles in life. You know what they say about assumptions.
When a potential client says he is young good looking etc like it’s a reverse pick me line that typically fails. So much so I won’t see you. I probably won’t reply to you either as the arrogance insinuated, no matter how subtle, does not appeal. I suppose I should actually thank those ones in some way for telling me their age. More often than not the age group I see don’t often fall under 45. Or even under 50. My older clients are genuinely happy I agreed to see them with no entitlement or “you should be so lucky someone young and soooo good looking booked you!” Ya baby soft skin and bum fluff with an entitled attitude does nothing for me. HOWEVER if you have stated your age as a way to find out if that is ok, your manners shine through and I am much more likely to engage with you!
My final note on age, is the seasoned gentleman. I speak for myself and MANY others when I declare “we fucking adore you.” If you are a gentleman over 60 you are a shoe in and are always welcome in my lair. Once you pay for your ticket 😌 (face stubble optional)
This day and age (ha), I personally don’t advertise an actual age. I prefer brackets. (As you can tell by this writing)
Mind ~ Not adverse to telling regular clients my age in causal conversation, or even my bday as I want presents, (don’t hold back, I’m a Capricorn by the way who adores perfume and champagne) but otherwise why bother? With the gift of my reputation and photographic advertising, people can see what sort of demographic you fit into. Ironically on the same day I have been told I’m 40 - by a very insistent man (not sure if that was his fantasy) I have also been told I look 26. Age really is but a number when it comes to people’s perceptions.
To round off neatly ~ there is an age for everyone ~ we don’t get older we get better. So relax and enjoy your age, it only comes round once in a lifetime!
Right. Now that’s out of the way I have to carry this tired (mid 30s) tail off to bed. It is after 7pm after all - yawn! X
(The end)